Warren F bio photo

Warren F

Systems Engineer with a penchant for PowerShell, science, cooking, information security, family, cookies, and the Oxford comma.


@pscookiemonster LinkedIn Github Stackoverflow TechNet RSS Feed My old blog

My GitHub Repos

AppVReporting BuildHelpers Citrix.NetScaler Git-Presentation InfoBlox Invoke-Parallel PowerShell PSDepend PSDeploy PSDiskPart PSExcel PSHTMLTable PSRabbitMQ PSSlack PSSQLite PSStash RabbitMqTools SecretServer

Legacy Blog Posts


Iā€™m moving from Wordpress.com to GitHub pages. My old content is a bit unwieldy, rather than importing it, here are the old posts roughly grouped by topic.

GitHub, Pester, and AppVeyor

Learning and Exploring PowerShell

SQL and PowerShell

REST APIs, Infoblox, and Ranting

Tips, Tricks, Suggestions, and Best Practices

Practical Modules and Functions
