Warren F bio photo

Warren F

Systems Engineer with a penchant for PowerShell, science, cooking, information security, family, cookies, and the Oxford comma.


@pscookiemonster LinkedIn Github Stackoverflow TechNet RSS Feed My old blog

My GitHub Repos

AppVReporting BuildHelpers Citrix.NetScaler Git-Presentation InfoBlox Invoke-Parallel PowerShell PSDepend PSDeploy PSDiskPart PSExcel PSHTMLTable PSRabbitMQ PSSlack PSSQLite PSStash RabbitMqTools SecretServer



What is this blog about?

I plan to ramble on about things I find interesting. PowerShell, technology, and food will be the most common, perhaps in that order. Many posts will simply be reminders for future reference or my draft notes from work.

Who are you?

I live in Brookline, Massachusetts and spend my days designing and building solutions as a Windows Infrastructure Engineer in a Boston area university. My various pursuits include science, information security, technology, cooking, tennis, and spending time with my wife and family.

I have a voracious appetite for cookies and other sweets. A co-worker noticed this and gave me the cookie.monster@fqdn e-mail address. Another co-worker added the handle to our office name plate.

On a side note, being known as the cookie monster does not help when you want to cut back on cookies.


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